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The linear slide is a high-precision full-closed-loop control motion structure. Generally, a grating encoder is used to prepare a grating ruler, or a magnetic grating encoder is used to prepare a magnetic grating as a position feedback module, and a precision guide rail is used as a guide support. Therefore, the transportation, installation, and maintenance of the linear slide will directly affect the normal operation of the module.

How to transport and maintain the linear slide
1. Transportation and storage:
When packaging the linear sliding table, protect the ruler surface to ensure that the ruler surface of the linear sliding table does not contact other parts or hard objects. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in transportation and fixation to ensure that the ruler surface will not be with other hard objects during retransport. collision.
When operating the linear sliding table, handle it gently to prevent impact and friction on the scale surface, and do not bump the scale surface to avoid damage to the scale.
During the operation, installation and use of the linear slide, be careful not to touch the surface of the grating ruler, so as not to contaminate the grating ruler and affect the reading head. If the encoder is a magnetic grid encoder, it is necessary to prevent magnetic objects from contacting and approaching the magnetic scale, so as not to cause the magnetic scale to be magnetized or magnetized, and the magnetic scale is scrapped.
When the linear sliding table is stored for a long time, the environment should be kept dry. Pay attention to the work of anti-rusting of the guide rail, dust-proof of the grating ruler, and applying anti-rust oil on the guide rail.
2. Installation and maintenance:
Before installation, please confirm whether the accuracy of the mounting surface is consistent with that of the mounting surface, and then clean the surfaces of the two mounting surfaces with a dust-free cloth.
During installation, remove the cover plate/steel belt of the linear sliding table, and the installation can be pre-tightened from one end to the other or from the middle to both ends. During the installation process, please pay attention to the use of stainless steel screws. When using the Allen wrench, please pay attention to the strong magnetism on the magnetic track, do not inhale;
Remind everyone to pay attention to checking the foreign matter on the magnetic track after the assembly of the linear slide is completed, and to clean up the problem in time. Confirm that the reading head window and the surface of the grating ruler are stained, confirm that the connecting screws between the reading head and various parts are loose, and whether the reading head signal lamp is normal after power on. It is forbidden to touch foreign objects on the surface of the grating. Oil stains, scratches, and surface cleaning can be cleaned with alcohol.

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